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V8R3 SP4

Release notes

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New features

Unique Product Aspect log file


In order to improve traceability of operations and components that cause Product attribute to lose its uniqueness across the project, each time such situation occurs log file is created. Its content allows to identify all components that share same Product attribute thanks to a detail description (Function, Location, Product, Description 0, database ID, object type, folder and page details). The log file is named after the project it was created for and stored in the same location.

Hide Unique Product Aspects filter


New Hide Unique Product Aspects command available in contextual menu of Function / Location / Product Management dialog allows to filter out all components with unique Product aspect leaving only entries that break that uniqueness. In order to bring back previous view, Remove Filter command must be used.

Count identical symbols for upwards diagrams


New Count identical symbols option available in Distribution Diagram Properties and Diagram Layout Settings dialog allows to control method of upwards diagrams generation. If option is enabled, diagrams are generated in fashion already known in SEE Electrical (same type of symbols within one output are being displayed only once and additional text that describes quantity is added automatically). If option is disabled, grouping of symbols does not occur thus all symbols are displayed.

To control the order of symbols within one circuit (output), MapOfOutputs.xml file available in Templates folder contains new Order parameter (the lower value, the higher priority). If this parameter does not exist, order of entries is used (same rule applies to entries with the same order value).


New version of 3D Panel module


3D Panel module compatible with this version of SEE Electrical is V2R2 SP2. If 3D Panel was previously installed, it will be updated automatically.

Possibility to delete selected redlining from database


New Delete selected redlining command available in contextual menu of Editor, Redlining database allows to easily select and delete user defined redlining. Command works with both single and multi-selection.

Modification of CSV file format for SWeC download


The format of CSV file used to download part numbers and associated symbols from SWeC was changed to match new, common format across all IGE+XAO products. Currently acceptable format is Part Number as first column, Manufacturer as second and semicolon “;” as separator.

Exclude from RCD protection group for upwards diagrams


Exclude from RCD protection group option that was introduced in SEE Electrical V8R3 SP2 is also available for diagrams with symbol detail (upwards).

Segregation Code standardization


Wire information sent to 3D Panel (both embedded and standalone) were redefined and standardized in order to improve user experience. From now on, if wire mode template is used, Segregation Code attribute defined in wires will be sent to 3D Panel. If net mode template is used, Segregation Code attribute will not be sent to 3D Panel unless diagrams were designed using Signal TypesNet Name attribute will be used instead.

Bug fixed

  • Issue where manually typing potential’s Function/Location/Product attributes caused description not to be synchronized was eliminated.
  • Changing visibility of wire’s attributes using Editor, Wires works correctly now.
  • SEE Electrical Viewer’s user manual launches properly now.
  • Symbol (name) attribute displayed in Properties pane is no longer empty if symbol was saved in symbol library using contextual menu.
  • Eliminated an issue where inserting multiple terminals caused aspects to be created outside of Function / Location / Product Management
  • Cable numbering Page/Code/Cell no longer creates inconsistent cable names if there are multiple cables in same cell.
  • Cable List and View, Cables no longer display connections in From and To
  • Issue where occasionally part numbers and symbols were not downloaded correctly from SWeC while using CSV files was eliminated.
  • <N>S code (where <N> is an integer) that allows to insert gaps between pages generated using Auto Generate module works now.
  • Situation where connection points are not created on overlapping wires while generating diagrams using Auto Generate, Caneco Connect and SE EPD Ecodial Connect modules do not occur anymore.
  • OK and Cancel buttons available in Chamfer and Fillet commands’ dialog are no longer reversed.
  • Multicore tab accessible through Circuit Diagrams IEC Properties and ribbon shortcut is no longer visible on Basic and Standard
  • Installation > Select Symbols and Installation > Cable Tag commands were moved from Basic to Standard
  • Update Installation command available in contextual menu of Building Installation node was moved to Basic.
  • Saving 3D Panel drawings no longer cause database errors in some specific cases (followed by “Error setting FieldValue” message and complete deletion of page content).
  • Page Reference symbols on generated Distribution Diagrams are inserted properly regardless usage of RCD symbols.
  • Upper side of generated solid bus bar diagrams no longer have duplicated connections.
  • Copying rooms with symbols do not create duplicated indexes in database.
  • Insert RCD symbol every N output circuits option skips outputs excluded from RCD group now.
  • Auto arrange outputs excluded from RCD group option no longer causes Exclude from RCD protection group option to be assigned to incorrect outputs.