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Release notes

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New features

Changing display language


The display language can be switched now through a dedicated drop-down list available on the Colour and layout tab of System Settings. Changing the language of the software requires licensing it again.

Defining alternative symbols in Channel Definition


While defining Channel Definition, it is possible now to define up to four alternative symbols for the same set of connections. In order to add those alternative symbols, +1 button has been added to the Symbol column of Channels dialog. In case certain symbol must be changed, it is necessary to put cursor on one of the paths and use button which displays SEE Symbol Selector dialog again.

To allow for easier identification of components that use this new way of defining symbol, Components pane has been upgraded – symbols that have alternative symbols are highlighted in yellow. When a symbol is selected from Components pane, it’s possible to cycle between available symbols using N and B keys. Different alternatives are also visible and available when using Complete functionality.

Drawing Function/Location frame with polygon


New Electrical > Function/Location Frame > Polygon command allows to draw a polygon and define Function/Location attributes to all components that are inside this polygon. This command is only visible if Enable Function/Location management option is enabled. All features and rules applicable to the Function/Location Frame (previously called Function/Location Box) command also apply to this new command.

Copying attributes between symbols


Selecting Component with Aux. Contacts, Component with Aux. Contacts (with Contact Cross) or Coil symbol and pressing Ctrl+Shift+C keys copies Function, Location, and Product attributes from the device into the Clipboard. Then, these copied attributes can be pasted to any contact symbol by selecting it and executing Ctrl+Shift+V keys (ultimately adding it to the device). This shortcut also works on multiple contacts if selected.

Highlighting attributes


Pressing Right Alt key on any open page highlights text attributes to enhance their visibility on the screen. Attributes are highlighted in different colours such as blue (Function, Location), green (Product), yellow (Equipment, Descriptions), and red (Cross Reference).

Incrementing Product Index of Signal Reference symbols


+1 button available next to the Product Index attribute of all Signal Reference symbols allows to easily manage those symbols and their connectivity. When Product Index is empty, clicking on +1 button inserts highest value of this attribute found in the collection of all Signal References with the same name. Clicking it again causes this attribute to increment by 1.

Automatically numbering multi-level terminals


New Automatically increment level name for multi-level terminals option available in Terminal Strips tab of Circuit Diagram Properties allows defining which attribute is incremented on terminal’s insertion. If this option is enabled, Level Name attribute is being incremented according to the rules below:

  • If Level Name is a number, the value is incremented by 1.
  • If Level Name is a string, Level Index is incremented instead.
  • If Level Name is a number and a string, the number is incremented by 1.
  • If Level Index is empty, only Level Name is incremented by 1.
  • If Level Name and Level Index are empty, the terminal is treated as a regular terminal.

Defining List attribute


New List attribute type allows to create workspace, page, and component attributes with predefined values. In order to create such attribute, its name must be defined in a specific way; Name[Value1|Value2|…|ValueN] where Name part becomes a visible attribute name and predefined values are put into square brackets with “|” character as separator.

Grouping workspace and page attributes


To increase visibility of workspace and page attribute in Properties pane, possibility to create groups (nodes) was added. In order to create a new node, new workspace or page attribute must be created according to following rules: attribute must be visible, Text ID must be divisible by 500 without remainder (102000, 102500, 123000 and so on), values for Length and Field Type does not matter but must not be empty. Then, attributes that are about to be part of the node must have higher Order value.

Nodes created this way are being used in Workspace Information and Page Information dialogs as tabs allowing for even easier navigation.

Not in List property for Cables


Not in List property know from components has been added to all Cables. Same as for components, the property has three possible values (in all lists, remove from BOM and only as target) which affect which the behaviour of graphical list generation.

Not in List property for Multicores


Not in List property know from components has been added to all Multicore symbols. Same as for components, the property has three possible values (in all lists, remove from BOM, and only as target) which affect the behaviour of graphical list generation.

Selecting folder names and descriptions from Aspect Manager


While creating or renaming a folder, it’s possible now to open Aspect Manager (if enabled) and select a combination of Function/Location that must be used as the name of this folder. Additionally, the folder’s description will be filled with the appropriate value from Aspect Manager (unless both Function and Location are selected and both already have a description defined).

Managing block configurations in Auto Generation module


It is possible now to apply different configurations defined using BlockConfiguration command directly from Auto Generation module of SEE Electrical. On SEE Electrical side, it is necessary to define the column’s name for configurations (Auto Generate Diagrams > Symbol > Column configuration field). On XLSX, the dedicated column must contain configuration names defined for blocks. Leaving the column empty applies the default configuration.

Displaying network hierarchy


The new Distribution Tree pane available for Building Installation and Distribution Diagrams drawings displays the full network of a building or sets of buildings in a tree-like structure known from Workspace pane. The behaviour of this pane depends on how network is being defined. If Define Circuit Connectivity by Symbol Properties is disabled, primary function of the pane is to display the network (besides Go To command available in contextual menu and on Advanced level only). If this option is enabled, Distribution Tree allows for full management of the network by utilizing simple drag and drop of circuits and panels within the tree structure.

Migrating shortcuts


Dedicated Import and Export buttons located in the Colour and layout tab of System Settings allow easily migrating user-defined shortcuts between machines. Exported shortcuts are stored in a text file with *.shortcuts extension.

Scaling objects by distance


New Scale by Distance command available in Edit and the contextual menu allows scaling of selected objects by defining a distance and its required length (same way as in DWG/DXF/DXB Editor). In order to scale objects using this command, select object(s), execute the command, and define an origin point. Then, using single left mouse button clicks to define a distance by drawing a line – a dialog with line length will display the defined length which then can be modified. After confirming the new length, the calculated scale factor will be applied to all axes.

Replacing inserted images


Change > Picture command available in the contextual menu allows to replace inserted images and/or change path in case the link was established. New images are always inserted concerning the existing size.

Resizing objects with locked aspect ratio


It is possible now to resize any object while maintaining the original aspect ratio by pressing and holding Ctrl key and using trackers to change the size. If Ctrl key is pressed while an object is already being held by a tracker, the aspect ratio is not being locked.


Complete dialog overhaul


Complete functionality has been improved in order to increase performance and accommodate new alternative symbols in Channel Definition. It is possible now to select different grid sizes that define how many symbols are being displayed at the same time as well as quickly switch available pages using Arrow keys. On top of that, in case alternative symbols are defined, they are being displayed in separate tabs which allows to utilize this new feature.

All those changes also apply to Graphical Overview of symbol libraries.

Disabling symbol connections for modification


If a component has channels defined, in Component Properties dialog, all connections that have been automatically inserted into a symbol have their text attributes marked in grey colour. If an incorrect symbol has been used (e.g.: Component instead of Relay Coil), text attributes are marked in red colour. In a case, that there are no more connections available (e.g.: certain type of contact is used more than it is defined in Channel Definition), magenta colour is used. Any of those statuses prevent connections from being modified.

Dynamically displaying and managing wires


When Electrical > Auto Connection feature is enabled, all connections that are about to be automatically inserted with a symbol or group are being displayed. On top of that, it is possible to modify those connections on fly using dedicated shortcuts.

When connections are displayed, pressing Tab key enters potential mode which is indicated by changing the colour of all wires to selection colour. In this mode, we can decrease and increase the level of auto connections by pressing Q and E keys. It is also possible to revers the order of connections by pressing R key or to return to defaults by pressing D key.

An extension to potential mode is symbol mode which allows to control each symbol of the group that is about to be inserted (indicated with selection colour for active symbol and blue for other connections). In this mode, we can individually modify connections for all symbols using the same shortcuts as before. In order to switch to this mode, it is required to press A key, following previous Tab press. To toggle between symbols, press Tab and to return to potential mode, press A key again.

Inserting alternative Signal Reference symbols


It’s possible to automatically insert Signal Reference symbols on wire ends by double-clicking with the left mouse button while creating a single wire – an appropriate output symbol will be used. To insert input symbol, it’s necessary to additionally press and hold the Shift key.

It is also possible to toggle between input and output symbols by pressing and holding the Shift key and double-clicking on the symbol (with 1 Wire command deactivated).

Manually defining values of Equipment Database attributes


It is possible now to, under certain conditions, manually enter values of Equipment Database attributes added to symbols. If a component has an equipment assigned but this equipment does not exist in Equipment database, attributes are accessible and can be manually entered. If an equipment exists in the database, all inserted values are overwritten and locked for further modification.

In case Functions > Update Properties command is used, manually entered values of non-existing parts are removed.

Displaying targets of Signal Reference symbols


There are two new ways to display signal reference targets. The first option called Merge Function/Location displays a target in three lines: the first line is a concatenated value of Function and Location attributes, the second line contains Product:Connection, and the third line is the Cross Reference. The second option called Separate displays Function, Location, Product:Connection, Cross Reference attributes in four separate lines. On top of that, the old way of displaying targets was renamed from On to Merge All.

Overwriting pages using CopyP command


It is possible now to overwrite drawings using CopyP command. In order to enable that feature, execute the command, click on Settings button, and enable Allow to overwrite pages checkbox.

Archiving hyperlinked files


New Group hyperlinked files option available while creating an archive allows to include hyperlinked files in the archive and modify all links so after unarchiving, all files are extracted in the same location as the project and connections between hyperlinked files remain unchanged.

Managing symbol libraries from Symbols pane


It is possible now to Rename and Delete symbol libraries directly in SEE Electrical by selecting appropriate commands from symbol libraries’ contextual menu.

Checking terminals from Editor, Terminals


New Check terminals command available in the contextual menu of Editor, Terminals database editor allows to display a dialog that lists all inconsistencies and errors of all terminals in each project. Additionally, from this dialog, we can export all detected issues to a text file or navigate directly to selected terminals (only for licenses on Advanced level).

Excluding redlining from printing and PDF export


Exclude redlining command available in Diagram Printing and Generate PDF dialog allows to globally exclude all redlining from being printed or included in generated PDF file. A similar setting that was hidden in Callout Properties was removed instead.

Adding Cross Reference attribute using AddRef command


AddRef command allows now not only to define contacts cross but also automatically add Cross Reference attribute and convert Component symbol into Component with aux. Contacts. To do so, select a Component symbol, execute AddRef command, select Text option and define the appropriate location orientation and alignment of the attribute.

Navigating to Cables from Aspect Manager


Cables are now visible in the symbol grid of Aspect Manager dialog. Like for other components, it is possible to navigate to each individual cable core and see how many of those are already used.

Hiding terminal numbers when using Index Components table


Index components table display options available in Cabinet Properties have been redesigned and improved with additional option – Hide terminal numbers. When this option is enabled, insertion of Index Components Table allows to automatically hide not only Terminal Index attributes but also Terminal Numbers enhancing drawing visibility.

Quality of life

Type attribute has been renamed to Equipment.

Due to changes in the standardization, Circuit Diagrams IEEE module has been renamed to Circuit Diagrams NFPA.

All commands that toggle visibility of certain objects (redlining, dimensions, wire directions etc.) are now grouped under Show/Hide panel of the View ribbon menu.

Executing Workspace > Information and Page > Information commands no longer refreshes Properties pane but opens a new, dedicated dialog for attribute insertion.

Terminal Sorting attribute’s value is integers to numbers only now.

Performance drops delated to insertion of new Signal Reference symbols where many drawings are open has been eliminated.

Openings detection in imported DWG files has been significantly improved.

Limitation to number of favourite part numbers in Equipment Database has been removed.

Add and Delete commands Equipment Database’s Favourites work on multi-selection now.

When importing XML file to the Equipment Database, last location of the import is remembered.

Dedicated SEE Electrical Viewer has the possibility to toggle Wire Direction visibility.

Workspace pane is properly refreshed now when pages are copied between projects.

NC dimensions no longer omit the Italic option available in Dimension Settings dialog.