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V8R4 SP1

Release notes

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New features

Project notes


New workspace attribute Notes allow to store important information and notes about the project. Additionally, by enabling Show notes on opening attribute opens content of the Notes attribute each time project is being open.

New connection’s wildcard


New & placeholder for connections allows to automatically replace it with a value that gets incremented each time consecutive symbol is used. This behaviour is like when * placeholder is used, but differs in start value. For *, counting starts from 1 but for & counting starts with blank (*1, *2, *3 results with 11, 22, 33 where &1, &2, &3 results in 1, 12, 23).

New drivers for labels export


New File > Export… > Labels command allows now to easily generate labels for components, wires, cables and terminals. This new command offers multiple different manufacturers which can be selected independently from device type. Available manufacturers are ABB, Brady, Cember, ContaClip, Grafoplast, ModernoTecnica, Murrplastik, Partex, Phoenix Contact, Wago and Weidmuller.

Channel Definition sanity check


Channel Definition which is used to associate equipment’s connections with appropriate symbols offers a sanity check now. Each time this dialog is open, software checks if defined symbols can build a device. If a definition is incorrect, an appropriate message is displayed.

On top of that, same sanity check is performed for devices defined in Aspect Manager, where data consistency is crucial.

Auto Generation sanity check


New sanity check has been added to Auto Generation module. From now on, if symbols defined in the XLS spreadsheet used for generations are missing, the process will return full list of missing entities. It is possible to continue generation process without missing symbols or stop it.

External 3D View


3D Output > External 3D View > Insert command allows to insert 2D views generated by SEE Electrical 3D Panel+ in standalone version.  To do so, it is required to select appropriate *.spv2d file which is created only when SEE Electrical 3D Panel+ project is connected to the SEE Electrical project and view is marked as to be generated in 3D editor. Then, all scaling features know from the embedded version are available.

On top of that, if the location of *.spv2d files has not be changed, it is possible to update the view in SEE Electrical using additional Update command.

Disabling cable length calculation


It is possible now to disable automatic length calculation of cables (both drawn by line and spline) inserted on Building Installation drawings. To do that, it is required to either manually change Length attribute to any other value or change Calculate cable length property to No. To revert the change and recalculate length, Calculate cable length attribute must be switched to Yes. On top of that, it is possible to perform all those operations while selecting multiple cables.


New version of 3D Panel module


3D Panel module compatible with this version of SEE Electrical is V2R2 SP5 ( If 3D Panel was previously installed, it will be updated automatically.

Find and replace for picture path


Find and Replace functionality works also on picture path (only when Insert link option was used while defining a picture).

Alternative symbols in Pick List


If a device’s channel definition contains alternative symbols, it is possible not to switch between them in the Pick List. To change between symbols, same shortcuts (N and B keys) can be used. Functionality is available only when Arrangement of selected symbols is set to Free.

Additional filtering on components and pages in Aspect Manager


View Components and View Pages commands available in contextual menu of Aspect Manager allow now to better filter aspects. For both commands, the very first execution filters all entries that match selected aspect but also sub-aspects. Executing command again filter entries to match the selected aspect only.

Multi and single-line diagrams generation for Caneco Connect and SE EPD Ecodial Connect modules


Menu entries for Caneco Connect and SE EPD Ecodial Connect modules have been modified. Thanks to that, it is possible now to choose between single and multi-line diagrams generation.

DWGImportEx drawing type selection


It is possible now to select which drawing type must be used to insert multiple DWG files using DWGImportEx command.

Bug fixed

Possibility to define Product (-) attribute for pages using Auto Generation module has been restored.

It’s possible now to define Angle property for multiple texts at the same time.

Issue where inserting shielded cables with hierarchical Product assigned caused Unique Product aspect on components option to get disable has been eliminated.

Copying and pasting a terminal or cable no longer opens Aspect Manager with Function, Location and Product randomly selected.

Distribution Tree is accessible from Standard level now.

Configuration management (BlockConfigurator) for Auto Generation works correctly now.

Crash which occurred when page template contained a wall has been eliminated.

Crash which occurred when Previous/Next Page command was used to navigate to a non-existing 3D Panel page has been eliminated.

Wire Direction visibility has been enabled in all possible version of SEE Electrical Viewer.

Part number hyperlinks work correctly now when exported using Intelligent PDF module.

Zoom in while inserting a symbol no longer makes symbol disappear from the cursor.

Instances where “Type” was still used to define Equipment attribute have been corrected.

“ character no longer crashes Setup List Values dialog.

Unexpected crashes in Complete dialog has been resolved.

Crashes caused by multi-line layer descriptions during DWG export no longer occur.

Hatching outline is no longer displayed if display colours are reversed.

Total Area calculations are correct now.

Dimensions Settings dialog no longer resets scale if fractions are used.

Issue where Function/Location Polygon did not work correctly when placed on a page with Function and Location already assigned has been eliminated.

Leaving the Channel Definition empty while creating new Equipment no longer causes crashes.

Function/Location Frame is not treated as component in Aspect Manager anymore.

Pressing Tab+R during symbol insertion no longer causes a crash.

Component Properties dialog is being displayed when last from the alternative symbols is used.

Next Page attribute works correctly now.

Crash during the refresh of Aspect Manager has been eliminated.

Issue where Function/Location is not inherited from the page when Signal Reference symbol is inserted has been resolved.

Inconsistent behaviour of multi-level terminals incrementation has been fixed.