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SPS Fair - Download our documentations

Switch to German Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch auf dem Messestand von IGE+XAO und ALPI in Hannover ! Folgend können Sie passende Unterlagen zu unseren Services & Lösungen herunterladen. Unternehmensbroschüre Industrie / Verbrauchsgüter (CPG) Gebäude & Infrastruktur Transport Offene Fragen ?

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Meet IGE+XAO at Automation Expo 2022 in Mumbai, India, from August 16th to 19th

Discover our electrical design packages supporting the energy transition and learn how you can design more efficient electrical installations and machines. The products we will show

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3D switchboard design software saves time

Swithchboard building is not an easy job! Switchboards may seem like simple products, but in reality, they are very sophisticated pieces of equipment to design and assemble. Switchboards have a complex value chain and are often unique, making standardization difficult. Complexity aside, Power Equipment Manufacturers (PEMs) are required to build switchboards that can withstand harsh […]

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Customer testimonial - Chemdoc Water Technologies

With SEE Electrical Expert, Chemdoc Water Technologies accelerates its contribution to ever cleaner water! Local authorities and industrial companies have many things in common. One of them is water − a precious resource, gathering increasing attention with good reason. To allow its use and reuse, water must be imperatively filtered, purified and demineralized. This is […]

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Customer Testimonial - KBB

Discover the testimonial from Kempische BordenBouw (KBB) specialized in building electrical switchboards. KBB focuses on the added value of SEE Electrical 3D PANEL+ on their schematic program needs. They have chosen SEE Electrical as an essential daily tool to optimize and develop their business.

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Hannover Fair - Download our documentations

Switch to German Thank you for stopping by at the IGE+XAO-ALPI booth at Hannover Fair! Please feel free to download our documentations below Company presentation Industry / CPG Building Transportation Information request ?

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Statement regarding the total number of shares and voting rights composing the registered capital on 28 February 2022

In accordance with the article L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and with the article 223-16 of the French Financial Market Authority (AMF) General Rule. Toulouse, on 3 March 2022 Total number of shares composing the registered capital: 1,304,381 Total number of voting rights:     Gross (1): 2,256,569 Net (2): 2,252,135 (1) In conformity […]

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Merger of IGE+XAO into Schneider Electric

The press release regarding the merger of IGE+XAO into Schneider Electric can be read hereinafter.

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A year of growth +11.3%

Toulouse, IGE+XAO Group announces: Annual consolidated financial statement for the 2021 financial period (in IFRS format)* After a year of resilience marked by the health crisis, IGE+XAO returned to growth in 2021 with consolidated turnover amounting to 36,358,008 euros, up 11.3% compared to 2020. Perpetual licence sales and services bounced back 13% and 31% respectively. […]

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