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Group News

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Availability of 2021 half year financial report

Toulouse, on 4 October 2021 In accordance with article 221-4 of AMF General Rules, IGE+XAO announces: IGE+XAO Group’s half year financial report regarding the accounts closed out at 30 June 2021 is made available on the website – Investors section – where it can be read or downloaded. It can also be requested directly […]

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Statement regarding the total number of shares and voting rights composing the registered capital on 30 September 2021

In accordance with the article L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and with the article 223-16 of the French Financial Market Authority (AMF) General Rule. Toulouse, on 1 October 2021 Total number of shares composing the registered capital: 1,304,381 Total number of voting rights: Gross (1): 2,256,580 Net (2): 2,252,146 (1) In conformity with […]

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Customer Testimonial - Lyngaa Marine

Yet another happy customer.Lyngaa Marine a Danish high-tech company that produces automation equipment for ships. In the video they tell why they have chosen IGE+XAO and how they have improved productivity while improving employee satisfaction

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Statement regarding the total number of shares and voting rights composing the registered capital on 31 August 2021

In accordance with the article L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and with the article 223-16 of the French Financial Market Authority (AMF) General Rule. Toulouse, on 3 September 2021 Total number of shares composing the registered capital: 1,304,381 Total number of voting rights: Gross (1): 2,256,580 Net (2): 2,252,146 (1) In conformity with […]

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Statement regarding the total number of shares and voting rights composing the registered capital on 31 July 2021

In accordance with the article L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and with the article 223-16 of the French Financial Market Authority (AMF) General Rule. Toulouse, on 4 August 2021 Total number of shares composing the registered capital: 1,304,381 Total number of voting rights: Gross (1): 2,256,580 Net (2): 2,252,146 (1) In conformity with […]

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