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V2R2 SP1

Release notes

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SEE Electrical 3D Panel+ SEE Electrical 3D Panel+ V2R2 SP1

New features

2D drawing creation for manufacturing and customer project documentation

Quickly create clear, accurate, detailed drawings for customer and manufacturing documentation.

View Navigation System

Preset the Views with which you are used to work for quick activation: Avoid spending time on setting up your workspace and focus on engineering.

3D PDF Export

Save your project as a 3D PDF file that can be read by the classic Acrobat PDF reader.

Proclima Widget Integration

Evaluate the thermal management solution tailored to your project.

Note: This does not include the calculation of the full dissipation wattage of the project. This must be input by the user.

Cubic Configurator Interface

Import the enclosure layout from the Cubic Galaxy Configurator.


Views Pane: Define Region From Selected Entity when Editing a View

Views Pane: Warn user when selecting vector view

While Importing STEP file ask to create mechanical tree

Assembly group support for excel import

New Snap point method: Point on edge

New Snap point method: Edge on intersection

Recursive explosion of Step Symbol

Disconnect project

Assign a 2D See Electrical diagram project to an existing 3D model

New option: Delete layer

For dimensions: Set unit (mm, m, in, foot)

Setting: Choose default layer of dimensions

Setting: Manage auto generated wire numbering

Correct Inconsistent Description Fields

Easy way to duplicate connection point attributes

Ability to choose whether or not to generate print view on closure of module

Release notes pointer to IGE Website

Bug fixed

Polyline not able to define the arc with a given diameter or radius
Translation Corrections
Moving from mounting plate to another mounting plate offsets the parts
Component placed on machining plane will not become child of component owning the machining plane
Improvement in Show Connected Channels function
Crash when generating 2D vector view when line thickness is invalid
Wrong reference point calculated in some cases using non BREP entities in combination with placing a full terminal strip from component explorer
Unintended Removal of the Equipment Database file path in Global Settings when clicking on Symbol Folder path
Missing support for component type Busbar in XML component import
STEP / IGES Block Definition unit not changed to millimeter after import
Improvement of wire routing
Import of AutoCAD – image is gone when drawing is saved in 3D format
Wire number is duplicated if we route several times.
Delete all wires – delete also all cable cores
Update type properties, might not work if manufacturer and goodsgroup not on entity
Input box remains visible when pressing ESC while using Extend busbar with offset function