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V8R3 SP3

Release notes

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New features

SE EPD Ecodial Connect module


New SEE EPD Ecodial Connect module allows to generate multi line diagrams from EcoStructure Power Design – Ecodial projects. EcoStructure Power Design – Ecodial is a software made by Schneider Electric for designing electrical distribution networks, optimizing performance and specifying components. In order to execute generation process, new command File > Import… > SE EPD Ecodial XML File was added to the Ribbon. Additionally, before importing the XML file, Enable Function/Location management option available in Workspace Properties must be selected and a page must be open.

It’s important to note, that the generation process removes all existing Circuit Diagrams drawings before creating new ones according to imported XML file.

Possibility to download part numbers and associated symbols from SEE Web Catalogue using *.csv file


It is possible now to automatically download parts and associated symbols from SEE Web Catalogue using *.csv file using existing Import button available in SEE Equipment Database. Columns required for automatic import are Manufacturer and Part Number.

Edit in Spreadsheet for Block/Drawing Configuration


BlockConfigurator and DrawingConfigurator commands have a new Edit in Spreadsheet button that open embedded SEE Spreadsheet Editor. In this editor, it is possible to preview, create, modify, and delete different configurations.

+1 button for Page Number


New +1 button was added to the Page Information dialog displayed while creating new page. Using that button, it is possible to increment page number to the highest value in current type of drawing which is helpful while working with folders.

Zoom Pan in scroll wheel


New Pan using mouse scroll wheel option available in View > Zoom > Zoom Settings changes the behaviour for the scroll wheel. If enabled, pressing and holding the button executes Zoom Pan command allowing for easy navigation in the current drawing. Releasing the button finishes the command.

Possibility to scale all symbols in given folder


Scale Symbols command available in contextual menu of a folder allows to quickly scale up or down all symbols within a folder at once by defining scale factor. Command is also available for a single symbol.

Assemblies Management


New Installations > Symbols > Define Assembly command allows to combine sockets and switches into assemblies with additional types.


In order to be able to add sockets or switches into assembly, symbols must have three additional text attributes added:

  • Assembly Name (ID 165120) – defines the name of the assembly
  • Slot Number (ID 165121) – defines the position on the assembly
  • Slot Width (ID 165122) – defines how many slots are occupied by the symbol





To upgrade existing symbol library or symbols already placed on Building Installation drawings, it is required to execute AddTextsToSymbols command and select AddTextsToSymbols – Assembly Management.xml found in Templates folder.


Additionally, in order to create an assembly, type for its frame must be assigned. This type must have Number of Slots (ID 12001273) attribute defined (integer).

It’s also possible to define the list of mostly used frame types by modifying AssemblyDefinitnion.xml available in Templates folder.


In order to create an assembly:

  • Select sockets and/or switches that must be part of a single assembly.
  • Execute Define Assembly.
  • Define Assembly dialog will be displayed.
  • Select type for the assembly frame using predefined list or Types Database.
  • Define the order of sockets and/or switches within the assembly by selecting an entry and clicking on arrows on the right side of the dialog.
  • Click on OK.


GDPR-compliant registration process


The registration process was redesigned to eliminate unnecessary steps as well as become compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) implemented in May 2018 by European Union.

From now on, no user data is required to properly register the software. For those who still would like to send information about the user to the licencing server, it is required to enter that information in system registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\IGE+XAO\SEE Electrical\Version V8R3\License\Customer key.

Changing page template


After each execution of Change Page Template on All Pages command available in Functions menu, an additional dialog is displayed. The dialogs asks if selected page template should replace current default page template used in active type of drawing.

Hyperlinks in Building Installation and Distribution Diagrams


In Building Installation and Distribution Diagrams, it is possible now to open the hyperlink defined in type definition directly from the drawing by selecting the type text and using appropriate command in contextual menu.

Unique Product Aspect check


While using Function/Location/Product management with Unique product aspect on component option enabled, the system checks if the uniqueness was broken each time Function/Location/Product Management dialog (Aspects command) is displayed.

To inform users that the uniqueness was broken due to certain operations, this check is also performed:

  • when project is being opened/closed,
  • when Component Properties dialogs is being opened,
  • when any page is being opened/closed,
  • when switching between pages.

Additionally, while saving the project the check is performed and if the uniqueness was broken the user must additionally confirm that operation.

Load Defaults


When Load Defaults function is used to restore Output Definitions of outputs in Panel Definition dialog, additional dialog is displayed. In this dialog it is possible to define if Exclude from RCD protection group should be restored according to Output Definitions or not.

Bug fixed

  • Function/Location of components generated using Caneco Connect module are properly assigned now.
  • Components with the same Function/Location/Product are no longer merged while generating multi line drawings using Caneco Connect
  • Caneco Connect module works properly now if the path to the environment is different than default.
  • Drawings generated using Caneco Connect module uses page template defined as default for Circuit Diagrams IEC
  • The availability of 3D Copper and Caneco Connect modules is displayed properly when HASP key is used.
  • Issue where user defined workspace and page attributes as well as custom drawing types are not displayed at all was eliminated.
  • Assigning filtering or sorting in Editor, Wires database no longer causes this view to be blank.
  • Symbol preview for Component with aux. Contacts symbols that have auxiliary symbol embedded is displayed properly now.
  • It’s no longer possible to erase values from default fuse circuits, heights and rooms lists by starting to edit a value and clicking somewhere within the dialog.
  • Not in list attribute is no longer being set to default while inserting a symbol using Free as Component Numbering
  • Updating the software using Live Update no longer displays incorrect message at the end of download process.
  • Generating PDF files using Intelligent PDF module no longer causes graphical lists’ names to be blank if Function or Location filter was used.
  • Copying symbols in Building Installation module no longer created duplicated values in Undo list
  • Add/Remove Background command works properly on all types of symbols that can be inserted on rails.
  • The issue in Types Database where adding type to the favourites causes Define Connections dialog to be empty until reopening the database was eliminated.
  • Size and position of Search and Replace dialog is properly stored now.
  • Graphics and icons in Type Database are displayed properly when DPI scaling is applied.
  • NC Dimensions and Coordinate Dimensions are no longer skipped from recalculation while changing the scale.
  • Input and Output components are no longer included in Parts List and Parts List (simple) graphical lists and database views.
  • Values for Signal Type and Signal Name attributes sent to 3D Panel are no longer reversed.
  • Some types of components added in 3D Panel were not accessible in Pick List and Complete