New File > Export… > BOM/Detailed BOM commands allow to quickly export MS Excel file that contains active project’s BOM (View, BOM (simple) and View, BOM database views respectively).
Exceeding certain number of favourite types no longer causes Type Database to display error message.
Rescaling Settings dialog that is displayed while changing page scale is no longer displayed twice.
Attributes displayed in Properties Pane for components are no longer displayed in predefined order – Order ID property defined in Workspace Properties is used instead.
Use wires logic on connections between components with different Function/Location options available in Circuit Diagrams IEEE Properties dialog works correctly now.
All issues that appeared while using Create ongoing terminal numbers if Free is set to Terminal Strip naming option in Copy page behaviour dialog were eliminated.
Issue that caused walls not to connect to the rest of the building despite correct placement was fixed.
Horizontal connections between cross reference symbols and rest of the Belgian Distribution Diagrams are no longer shifted by one column.
Issue where View, Circuit List database view was empty when Create all for Distribution Diagrams generation was used is eliminated.
While selecting multiple database editor records, state of checkboxes for boolean attributes is displayed correct again.
Generating PDF files from command line in silent mode works correctly again.
Conversion error that occurred while converting some legacy projects (*.cpj file format) was eliminated.