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V8R4 SP7

Release notes

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New features

Selection of Symbols Library for NEM Generations


In Workspace Properties, it is possible now to define symbol libraries that will be used for generation of single and multi-line diagrams from NEM file (Caneco BT, SE EPD Ecodial, SE Ecoreal P).

Wires Export to Phoenix Contact clipx WIRE Assist


It is possible now to export an Excel file which contains wire manufacturing information for Phoenix Contact clipx WIRE Assist software. Wires to Phoenix Contact CLIPX WIRE Assist command can be found in File > Export… > Wires… menu of the Ribbon.

Terminals Export to Phoenix Contact clipx ENGINEER


New File > Export… > Terminals > Phoenix Contact CLIPIX Engineer command allows to export a file that contains all terminals’ manufacturing information for Phoenix Contact CLIPX Engineer, which allows to check the design, equip it with additional parts, customize and even order preassembled terminal strips.

Dimensioning in Feet


Dimensions can now be inserted using feet as a unit. This choice can be made in the global dimension settings or directly on the schematic by selecting one or more dimensions and changing Unit attribute. Feet dimensions come with a decimal declination, that can also be changed in the global dimension settings or directly on schematic.


RecoverFromAutoBackup Command Redesign


RecoverFromAutoBackup command has received the same user interface as Load backups command from drawings’ contextual menu. Now, instead of selecting a folder with all backups for given project, it is possible to preview, filter and select backups that must be used for creation of new project.

Full Path in Symbol Name Attribute


In order to improve consistency while using Find and Replace functionality, on symbol insertion, Symbol Name attribute receives full path of a symbol instead of just a name. Moreover, this attribute’s value is also visible in the Component Properties dialog. Already inserted symbols will not have this attribute refreshed.

New Version of 3D Panel Module


3D Panel module compatible with this version of SEE Electrical is V3R1 SP3 ( If SEE Electrical 3D Panel+ has been previously installed, it will be updated automatically.

Bug fixed

Resetting windows positions in System Settings is now working for WPF windows too.
Pressing the Escape key during a Graphical List generation no longer causes a crash.
Password is no longer visible for Proxy Settings in SEE Configuration.
Using Cancel button on Proxy Settings in SEE Configuration do not save the setting anymore.
“- “sign is not lost anymore when importing a PLC Configuration through PLCImportExcel<
All problematic character are correctly escaped when exporting a wire list in WPC format.
Locking wire is well take in count when using From/To wire numbering.
Dimensions on imported 3D Views or 3D Pages are now correctly displayed
Characters like “- “or “_” are now forbidden in FlexLM Group Name field in SEE Configuration
Importing an XML file for translation no longer causes a crash.
Component properties dialogue can be displayed again with Slovenian language
Wires segments displayed correctly two numbers when it’s needed.
Option to hide or show unit on dimension is working again.
Bug that shown the same numbers for two different wires has been fixed.
Bug that prevents to save a project on a server drive has been fixed.
All wires are correctly sent to 3D Panel and the rooting is correct.
Regenerate the database do not cause to change some wires attributes values.
Terminals exports for Weidmueller WMC is correctly done in UTF-8.
PLC Free connections Text are not removed anymore when linking a channel to a main PLC card.
The wire numbering is starting from the beginning for each type of signal.
Renumbering one wire type no longer deletes the numbering of other wire types.
It is possible again to use Autogen without specify a symbol folder name.
Rotating a door on an overloaded machine no longer causes SEE to crash.
Executing the CUS command on opened workspaces no longer causes SEE to crash.
Canceling file selection during font mapping no longer causes SEE to crash.
Running the ReplacePotRef command no longer causes the software to crash.
Inserting an OLE Object no longer causes SEE to crash.
Distribution Diagram Symbols are no longer irreversibly hidden after hiding them in Symbol Display Group.
Closing SEE before the Splash Screen appears no longer causes a crash.
Undoing changes (CTRL+Z) in the Symbol Display Group dialog no longer causes SEE to crash.
The PickList in the 2D Cabinet Layout no longer scrolls back to the top after each selection.
Exporting a project to PDF now completes successfully without closing SEE Electrical unexpectedly.
A too long Page Label Syntax length no longer causes a crash during the export process.
Partslist generation is now consistent between V8R3 and V8R4.
Merging equipment libraries with a symbol library no longer triggers an unhandled exception but displayed a message.
SEE ReportGen now correctly generates all detailed lines for Export_3102_DL.
Changing text positions on several text at once in the software no longer causes a crash.
The RecoverFromAutoBackup function is now fixed, and projects can be recovered successfully.
BlockConfigurator now behaves correctly after project modifications.
The error with Caneco BT Import when no contact section is present has been resolved.
Connection numbering now assigns the correct numbers to all connections.
Release Notes SEE Electrical V8R4 SP7
Potential references are no longer created twice.
Wire numbers are now correctly generated when the component type is set to contact/unspecified.
The missing cross-reference issue in the contact mirror has been fixed.