In order to enhance user experience and add SEE Electrical modern look, new themes were introduced. It is possible now to choose one of new twelve application looks making it even more customizable.
In Colour and Layout tab of System Settings, it is possible now to reset user interface to default settings provided with SEE Electrical. Command will remove all customized settings such as dialogs positions, shortcuts, quick access menu entries and interface colour.
Process of creating new workspace contains one additional step where after selecting workspace template it is possible to define all project attributes. List contains all attributes defined for template that is used including inserted values.
It is possible now to print drawings according to selected Functions or Locations. Printing process includes all drawings regardless their type and orders them according to Workspace structure. Drawings without Function/Location assigned cannot be printed using this mode.
If Print Preview functionality is executed from File menu, it is possible now to use Next Page and Previous Page commands to navigate through all drawings within current workspace. If this functionality was executed from printing dialog then navigation is possible only within selection (Function selection, Print List etc).
If Print Preview functionality is executed on database view with many columns (where it is not possible to print all of them using selected page size), the new command Two Page is enabled. Executing it allows to display two pages next to each other so all data is displayed in one preview.
After performing modification to any type in Equipment Database, user is prompt to update type definition stored in current project.
In About SEE Electrical dialog new button Review Release Notes was added that allows to open this document without need to look for it in program files.
It is possible now to show only first type on a drawing. In order to do that, it’s required to select First type only option in Show column available for Type attribute (Component Properties dialog).
In Properties of Equipment Database, it is possible now to define which out of two SWeC attributes will be used identify downloaded codes.
All nonempty Project attributes are being displayed in 3D Panel drawings now.
Pick List and Complete functionalities received additional option Hide components excluded from lists which if enabled, applies additional filter. This filter excludes all components that have Component in list attribute defined as “excluded from BOM/parts” or “only as target”.
In About SEE Electrical dialog new button Review Release Notes was added that allows to open this document without need to look for it in program files.
With V8R3 we added a possibility to export workspaces to SEE Gen e-doc service using Export… > Workspace to SEE Gen e-doc command. After executing this command, zip archive named after project will be prepared and placed in “C:\Users\Public\Documents\IGE+XAO\SEE Electrical\V8R3\JsonFiles”. If you are interested in more information about this service please contact your local IGE+XAO representative.
Functionality of Link Types introduced in V8R2 was enhanced. It is possible now to freely define and customize Link Types by changing names, excluding from auto numbering, and defining how they will appear on generated Terminal Strip.
All information defined for connectors are being sent to 3D Panel module so it is possible to insert and route them like all other types of components.
Component not in list attribute was added to Cable Channel and Rail components inserted on Cabinets drawings allowing to easily manage graphical list generation as well as Complete and Pick List functionalities.
If option Auto Rotate available on ribbon is enabled, symbols being inserted are rotated automatically to existing walls and objects same way as they would be inserted from Symbols pane.
New function Select Symbols allows to easily select many symbols that match user defined rules. To user’s disposition we delegated most used attributes such us Panel Name, Fuse Circuit, Type, Symbol Object Type and more. Additionally, leaving all criteria empty selects all electrical symbols.
It is possible now to change path of inserted cable using drag and drop functionality on trackers defined by inflection points. All modifications automatically recalculate length of a cable.
Possibility to define room creation parameters has been added to Building Installation Properties dialog as new Room tab. It is possible now to customize line width, size, and style as well as brush colour and style. In addition to that, it is possible to change visibility of all elements that define rooms such as name, description, and graphics.
Component number available in Building Installation Properties dialog allows now to define syntax of Product attribute assignment using one of existing methods or creating custom one.
Cables connected to symbols inherit Symbol Display Group attribute and its visibility.
New attribute Rearrange Symbol Tags allows to define whether all visible attributes in Building Installation drawings must be rearranged according visibility or not.
In Distribution Diagram Properties dialog, it’s possible now to define which symbols are used on the left and right side of a potential.
If type for a Distribution Diagrams symbol is defined, all crucial attributes such as Rated Voltage, Rated Current, Breaking Capacity, Number of Poles etc are being filled with values from Type Properties (if given type is properly defined).
In Panel Definition dialog it is possible now to define parameters that are used for diagrams generation of giver panel.
Intelligent PDF module commands (Drawing2PDF, Workspace2PDF, PrintList2PDF) were merged into new one named GeneratePDF. All parameters that define PDF file generation were separated from printing and introduced in existing Generate PDF dialog along with Print range known from printing functionality. It is also possible to execute PDF file generation straight from File menu.
File menu has been remodelled to make it more intuitive for users:
Complete functionality was highly enhanced by adding additional methods of execution and changing overall workflow. It is possible now to execute Complete functionality on selected elements. If within selection (including graphical elements) there is only one component that can be completed, then process goes straight to symbol selection. If there are more, list of components that can be completed is prefiltered (with possibility to remove filter if required).
Pick List dialog displays Description 00 attribute now what allows for easier identification of already inserted components. Additionally, it is possible to define sorting and filters which can be stored and loaded on demand.
If Terminal symbol is locked (by changing Name Lock attribute to Fully locked), it is no longer possible to change Terminal Number, Terminal Index, Level Name, Level Index and Level Separator attributes. Executing Rename all shown terminal numbers command from Editor, Terminals database will not change attributes that belong to terminals with name lock enabled.
It is possible now to define position of text attributes displayed by Function/Location box symbols by navigating to Workspace Properties > General > Function/Location box setup. Available options are; Inside, Outside Left and Outside Top. Additionally, text attributes are not stretched while resizing and automatically rearranged to maintain the best visibility for this type of symbol.
All dimensions inserted using SEE Electrical are excluded from translation now.
Levels of magnification used by Zoom In functionality available in Print Preview dialog were modified so it is possible to set it up to 100%, 25% and 12,5%.
Insertion method of generated legend symbol has been changed – instead placing legend in 0,0 coordinates, it’s being attached to the cursor allowing for free manipulation before insertion including rotation and scaling (using keyboard shortcuts)
In Building Installation Properties dialog, it is possible now to define folder name where legend symbols are stored what save time spent on browsing symbols each time GenerateLegend command is execute. Defined value is used to prefilter all symbol libraries and display only folders (and their symbols) with a given name.
Default value for Find and Replace functionality available for blocks was changed from “Entire workspace” to “Selected element(s)”.
DWG Editor allows to scale drawings before insertion. It’s possible now to select one of predefined values such as 1:50 or 1:100 in order to speed up this process. Possibility to define custom scale was kept.
After executing Renumber all shown terminal number command available in Editor, Terminals, multi-level terminals are treated as one component and renumbered properly.
New option Create ongoing terminal numbers if Free is set for Terminal strip naming available in Copy page behaviour dialog allows to automatically renumber terminals while copying pages between projects. Within this option, we defined two different approaches depending on terminal number syntax – only numeric Terminal Number attributes are incremented. If terminal number is empty or alphanumeric, then Terminal Index attribute is incremented instead.
Certain limitations of Multicore wires were removed which means that it is possible now to use cross references and Multicore to connect symbols on different pages, define text parameters used for symbol and change Component Code attribute.
Naming of reference symbols used in Distribution Diagrams drawings was modified – Product attribute is inherited from panel’s name that reference is generated for and Product Index comes from page number where symbol is initially inserted.
Due to many different options that are required for Distribution Diagrams module, Distribution Diagrams Properties dialog was redesigned to give a better overview of all settings.